Friday, January 8, 2021


I stumbled accross this post, and it made me think. If sexual desire is a spectrum, with hypersexuality (as described in that post) on one end and asexuality in the other end... I'm pretty close to hyper, most of the time. 

Not as bad as what she described there, certainly. I've never had to physically ice my genitals. But I have on a couple of occasions been late for meetings, or postponed doing tasks I really should be doing, because I was busy masturbating. And in every single relationship I've been in, I'm the one who wants the most sex. Even if a partner can keep up at first, after a few months or a year I'm the one who wants it the most. 

Nursing a baby is such a weird experience for me, because when I nurse I became asexual. It kicks in a couple of weeks after birth, so it has to be hormonal. Being ace is such a strange feeling to me, to NOT want sex. To not even think about it. When I nurse less, though, my sex drive comes back.

I'm nursing once or twice every night now, sometimes not even that, and my sex drive is DEFINITELY back. (Let's just say, I'm glad I'm mostly working from home these days..) 

For someone with such a high sex drive, I've had practically no one night stands though. I can flirt and fondle, sure. And I can get the other person hot and naked. And I can do BDSM stuff to them. But to actually let them have sex with me... No. 

It comes down to trust, I think. And being damaged. I'm not even sure what I'm afraid of, really... I think it's 60% body issues and 40% a fear of disappointing them. Of not being good enough.

But if I could let myself trust? Oh yeah, there would be a lot more one night stands in my future. 

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