Thursday, October 14, 2021

Fuck it, guess I'm queer (aka "What am I? (part 3)")

Just after writing those two previous posts (read those first! Part 1 here and part 2 here), I took at look at what other posts in this blog I'd tagged with the label "queer". Because the label was already there, so I had to have used it here before.. 

Well, there was one post. From almost exactly 10 years ago (juli 2011). In that post I wrote about my issues with the word "queer" and why I felt it didn't fit me at all, even though I fit the technical definition of the term... And.. well.. Read what I wrote, and laugh: 
"You see, when I hear the word "queer", this is what I see in my mind:
A woman with very short hair, wearing men's clothing. Perhaps suspenders. Perhaps also a tie, or maybe a palestine-checkered scarf. One who's entire look screams "lesbian" and "political". One who gets all worked up if someone talks of men and woman as a dichotomy, despite this dichotomy being the foundation upon which our entire society and culture is built. (I'm not saying that's a good thing, nor am I saying it's bad to try to change it. I'm just saying that if you're going to get mad every single time, you will spend most of the day, every day, being mad.) I see someone with a long of anger and righteous indignation. One who's burns for a topic and wants to change the world. One who's read too many books written for (and about) so-called queer people (meaning homosexuals, mainly) and who knows too many theories. One who demands that you care about this as much as her, because it's important. One who keeps saying that the fight for equal rights is far from over.

I could go on and on, but you get the idea. I'm not saying that this woman is bad, or wrong. I think it's great that someone wants to stand on the barricades and fight the fight, so that most of us don't have to. She's like a suffragette, or like a woman burning her bra in the 70ies. She's an icon. She's fighting the good fight......... She just isn't me."

So yeah... By my own definition, I'm queer. I'm BLATANTLY, OBVIOUSLY queer. 

Damn, things have changed in 10 years. 

Haha. Fine! Queer it is then!

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