Monday, May 6, 2024

I'd rather break myself, than break you

I'd wanted to play a board/card game since I walked in the door. (Not because I'm particularly fond of this game we're playing these days, because I'm not. It's ok, and I hope I'll grow to like it, but so far it doesn't appeal that much to me.) I wanted to play, because it's a good way of interacting with you. Spending time with you, focused on a common project. I enjoy that. Enjoy being with you. Playing a game I'm shitty at, loosing to you and growing frustrated with myself.. That's easily worth it, just to spend time with you. 

We play a single game, lasting maybe 15 minutes, and you tell me you don't want to play anymore tonight. I tell you I miss our longer game nights,when we used to play for at least a couple of hours at a time. Spending so much mental effort (/emotional labour), just to get you to play for 15 minutes, doesn't feel as worth it to me. I want to spend time with you, after all. More than just a few minutes.

You tell me (here I'm quoting what I remember you saying): "If you didn't have so much anxiety, maybe we could play more. Once you get better at this game, maybe you won't have so much angst, then we can do several games in a row."

I get really confused, unsure if I heard you correctly. I ask if that means that the reason you won't play is because I'm not a good enough player? You bite my head off, saying that's not at all what you said. Still confused, I ask if the problem is that I've got too much anxiety when we play? So I make the game less fun for you? Again you bite my head off, accuse me of willfully reading something into your words that you hadn't said. Tell me you can't argue with me, you don't have the spoons. 

I grow increasingly confused, saddened and more frantic. From what I understood, if I'd just get myself together and not display my feelings when we play, or simply become a better player, we wouldn't have a problem. And you'd play more with me. Stating that, I'm again rejected. Told that you don't have the spoons to argue with me. 

I'm not trying to argue. I'm trying, desperately, to make sense of what you just said. To figure out what you meant, or didn't mean, so that I can learn what you want from me. What do you need, so that we can play more? What can I do to make you happier or more comfortable? I just want to spend time with you, after all. Right now, it feels like the answer to what you need when we play is "less of me", and that makes me sad. I highly doubt that's what you meant, but you refuse to try to straighten this out. 

I start to formulate a reply, beginning with "I don't try to argue, I just...". Then I stop myself. You said you didn't have the spoons for this. And you're right. You don't have the spoons for this. 

If I keep pushing, I'll push you over an edge. You'll dissociate for a day, maybe two, and we'll both be miserable for even longer. I'd vastly prefer if you'd help me untangle whatever just happened. Help me make sense of it all, so I don't feel so sad and guilty and confused. But you are doing your best, and that sort of help just isn't on the table tonight. 

Yes, your comment caused this confusion in the first place. It might be considered unfair to throw something like that out there, and then leaving it up to my tired, mentally unstable brain to interpret (all on it's own) whatever you tried to communicate.. That's bound to go badly. However, the cracks in my spirtitweb aren't your responsibility. You've got plenty of your own to deal with. 

So I bite my tongue, and swallow my anxiety and confusion and sadness. I will not get enough words from you to untangle this mess, no matter how much I might wish otherwise. So I will keep being dysregulated, at this point that's a given. And it's better that just one of us is fucked up. 

So I stop, like you ask. I stop. And I write. 

If we can't co-regulate, I have to deal with my own shit. And this is how.

Friday, March 22, 2024

Disorganized attachment

I've been looking more into attachment styles lately. While I do have traits from all of them, and lack some of the more extreme reactive patterns often described, the disorganized attachment is the best fit. Disorganized attachment is also sometimes called fearful-avoidant. The parts that fit me the best are the zig-zag between "I don't have any needs" and "you should just KNOW what needs I have, I shouldn't have to tell you. I'm desperate to get my needs met!". This zig-zag is exhausting for my partner(s), and for me as well. 

This attachment style stems from a profound lack of self worth, and a firm conviction that I will be abandoned again. That I'm not worthy of love, and so every time someone loves me it's a misunderstanding, a sick joke or a very temporary state. That I can't trust anyone, ever, because they'll only hurt me if I do. 

This of course becomes both self-fulfilling and self-sabotaging. I get stressed out of my mind when someone actually seems to continue loving me. I can feel myself start trusting them, and that SCREAMS danger to me. I act more erratically, because I'm so scared, which leads people to leave me. (Or I break off the relationship before ever getting that far.) Thus proving my deepest set fears to be true: I'm fundamentally abandonable. 

Like all the insecure attachment styles, disorganized attachment is fundamentally ego-centric. I'm unable to separate my own self-worth from other people's behavior. The assumption is that when people behave badly towards me, it's my fault. I probably deserve it, caused it somehow. I can't seem to grasp that other people's behavior is a "them-problem". Something separate from my intrinsic value. 

I have this idea that if I focus on the one one I love, read their every signal, remember their quirks and preferences.. Just remain complacent, pleasant, please them, meet all their needs, am understanding and loving... Then I might, MIGHT be good enough. Might receive the same level of hyperfocused commitment back. I don't express my own needs, because that would be admitting I have any. That would mean I would have to make myself vulnerable. Show exactly how undeserving I am.  

So I suppress and ignore my own needs, until the emotional pressure becomes too high. Then I explode in overwhelming emotions, typically a combination of resentment ("why didn't they just UNDERSTAND what I needed without me having to state it?"), sorrow ("I'm not worthy of their attention anyway, I deserve not having any needs met") and fear ("please, please, please see me! love me! help me!"). This explosion probably seems very out of the blue for my partner, who hasn't been reading my mind and thus didn't know that I had any unmet needs to begin with. 

Once the pressure is released, the cycle can begin again. I grow extremely apologetic, because I know my extreme emotions are wrong, I know I shouldn't be feeling them to begin with. I'm fundamentally undeserving, so the audacity of trying to get my needs met is completely inappropriate! I go back to suppressing every need I'm able to suppress, begging my partner to ignore my emotional outburst. Hoping everything will be better if I just gain better control of myself. If I just STOP feeling so strongly. 

There's a cycle of shame here which is REALLY damaging. I clearly see it, now that I'm writing about it. Feelings are fundamentally unsupressable. They WILL eventually leak out, and if you try to suppress them they'll just grow stronger and more damaging in the process. Not allowing oneself to feel, is one of the primary ways to get depression after all. I KNOW this. Logically, I know this.

There is a way out, I think... 

  1. I have to express my needs, BEFORE they become a raging bonfire. Meaning I need to FEEL my needs, way, way, way before that point. So I need to get better at introspection. 
  2. I also have to separate my own self-worth from other people's behavior. 
  3. And thirdly, I need to trust. Knowing I can be betrayed, knowing I can be abandoned. Trust that if Novice says she loves me, that's actually true. That she knows her own mind, she can judge if she wants to give her love to me or not. And she chooses me, actively. It might not last forever, she might eventually abandon me, true. But that doesn't change the NOW. And right now, she loves me.

I have absolutely no idea how to work on the second and third points on that list. I can intellectualize this until the cows come home, that won't change how I fundamentally feel about myself or my own self-worth. So since I have no idea how to work on number 2 or 3, guess I'll have to start on the top of the list; Mindfulness, a compassionate attentiveness to my own bodily reactions and emotional state. That's a place to start. 

I'll probably spend the rest of my life untangling this mess. This isn't a quick process, but it's necessary. 

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

You will be warm again

The title is a quote from "Rythm of War" by Brandon Sanderson, and it's spoken to a character who struggles with trauma and reoccurring depressive episodes. It speaks of hope. Yes, things might be bleak, but it gets better. 

This winter has been hard for me, on many levels. I've been pretty much exhausted since my top surgery in mid September. December was also really stressful, and since then it feels like I haven't been able to get my head above water. Sickness, mental fatigue, drama online, another hater I had to report to the police (marking the 7th such hater in under a year), sick kids, uncertainty with regards to work and my own future, financial worries etc. 

In addition, Novice gradually withdrew from me more and more, and since New Years' we almost didn't touch each other. She wouldn't let me touch her, not even in completely non-sexual ways. I didn't understand why, I don't think she did completely either. The lack of physical touch became a real problem for me. I just wanted to hold her and be held. I missed it so much. Missed her. We almost weren't talking either, not like we used to. It scared me. 

Now, suddenly, it's better. We're cuddling again, and talking. Having proper, long conversations, without fighting or her completely dissociating. It feels amazing. I feel like I've gotten my girlfriend back. She's been a rolled up armadillo, looking and behaving like a scared rock, for so long... Seeing her unfurl herself, look at me, smile... Hearing her say she wants to be with me, loves me, enjoys our time together, believes in a future together...

It's a balm on my scared, battered and very overwhelmed mind. It made me incredibly happy.

The scary part is that I have no idea what caused that withdrawing in the first place, and I have no idea why she's suddenly coming back more now. So I won't be able to stop it happening again, nor fix it if it does.

It's March now, the first month of spring. Outside, the snow is thawing and the sun is shining. This winter has been long, and hard, and cold. But I have hope. We will figure this out. I will be warm again. We will be warm again.

Sunday, January 21, 2024

Swept up in the dissociation vortex

Today, Novice and I had a... Fight? Misunderstanding? Falling out? I don't even know what to call these things. They happen sometimes. I say or do something that makes her really uncomfortable, and then she dissociates. Sometimes she's partially gone for a few minutes, sometimes she'll be completely gone for a full day or more. (I've even made up a system to classify how "gone" she is*. That's how frequent these things are.)

While completely gone, she is able to take care of her own basic needs and do something "mindless" like play a computer game or scroll on Reddit, and that's about it. She can't help it, and I feel absolutely terrible for doing that to her. It's never on purpose, but my intent doesn't really matter when the effect is so devastating. 

The falling out today was particularly unexpected and felt more volatile than usual. She quit in the middle of a board game we were playing, packed it all up in a huff, and then was "gone". I had to leave her apartment a couple of hours later, and tried talking to her several times before that, but she wasn't present enough to really answer me. I don't understand what caused this, I don't understand why she reacted so strongly or firmly, and I don't understand what I did. But I know I did something, because she doesn't fall out like this when I'm not around. 

I try not to let that guilt eat me up, because I know that me feeling bad will only make her feel worse. I don't want to make her feel even worse, I've made her feel bad enough already. On the other hand, I feel incredibly rejected and convinced she hates me. My mind tells me that she doesn't want me anymore, that I'm bad for her, that she can't possibly love me now. I need desperately for her to tell me that she loves me, that we as a couple are ok even when she's not. 

I ask her if she loves me, if she wants me to leave, and all she can do is shrug. Which to me feels even worse; The adult I love most in this world can't even confirm that she wants me to stay when I ask! I'll tell her, a shrug isn't consent. I can't stay with her, or hug her, or whatever it is we're doing at the time, if she doesn't actively consent to it. And of course that is true. "Unconscious people don't want tea." However, it's also incredibly unfair of me. Because she isn't actually unconscious, and that's not actually how consent in a relationship works. 

Because she DID consent. She did consent to me being there, or sitting with me, or whatever it was we're doing. That consent is still on-going, even when she dissociates. An established couple can and do have on-going consent to interact and exist in the same space. The potential consequences of treating that consent as on-going, and then possibly being wrong, are miniscule (at least in the short run). As opposed to for example her dissociating completely during a kink scene, in which case I'd have to stop or potentially be guilty of assault. Just like if she'd fallen unconscious. Consent to do rope, or spanking, or sex, is NOT of the on-going kind, because the consequences of potentially overstepping are massive. 

And she IS able to take care of her own basic needs. If I do something she really doesn't like, like accidentally squishing her boob or tickling her, she will stop me. Regardless of how far gone she is. She isn't actually unconscious, even when she's close to catatonic. She certainly won't make a big decision, like dumping me, on a whim while she's not even fully present. It's hard for me to trust that fact, because a part of me keeps expecting to be abandoned at any moment... But I'm pretty sure it's true; Novice thinks things through before making a decision, and when she's dissociating she almost isn't able to make decisions at all. 

I ask her to confirm that she wants me with her, but what I'm really asking her to do is to make a decision which will make me feel less insecure. And when she isn't able to do that, it makes me more insecure. I treat it as if she actually made a conscious choice to reject me, when she absolutely didn't. She can't help dissociating. She can't help being nonverbal. She can't help me, because she isn't present. 

She hasn't rejected me, personally, she's rejected everything. The world, her feelings, everything. I'm just being swept up in the vortex. She can't help it. She can't be blamed for any of this. It isn't a choice. And I need to fucking get a grip, and be accountable for my own emotions and reactions. Not look to her to try and fix them. 


*The system for how "gone" Novice is, goes from 1-10 and I've tentatively defined the levels like this:

  1. Perfectly fine, but will tap out if she gets close to overwhelmed. Meta-aware.
  2. Touch-and-go whether she's present or not, will fall in and out seemingly at random. Usually short duration. Is mostly verbal, can have some short meta-discussions about her mood. Can usually verbalize that she loves me, but is more comfortable being tactile than verbal.
  3. Uses mostly monosyllabic words or our tactile language. Can be contact seeking or need space, seemingly at random. Can "fall out" for somewhat longer duration, but surfaces again in less than an hour. 
  4. Doesn't speak much. No facial expressions. Needs more space. 
  5. Is able to respond to "I love you" using our own tactile signals (3-5 short taps with a single finger indicates "I love you (too)"). Shrugs to answer most other things.
  6. Shrugs to almost everything, nonverbal for longer stretches of time. Will not answer that she loves me in any way. Is able to participate in a conversation of sorts, as long as it's a completely "safe" topic and has short duration.
  7. Can move around if she must, for example go sit at her desk to play Heartstone or watch Youtube. No facial expressions, no words. Will participate in a conversation of sorts, as long as it's mostly tactile or through shrugs and grunts.
  8. Can scroll on her phone. Glassy stare. Doesn't move much. Typically lying down. Shallow breathing. No words.
  9. No movement or facial expressions, glassy stare or closed eyes, no sounds other than the occasional monosyllabic grunt. No phone. Will still pull away if she doesn't want something.
  10. Completely catatonic. No movement, facial expressions or sounds. 

Saturday, January 20, 2024

Is it a "gaydar", or do they just make me horny?

 I keep hacking away at the stubborn tree root that is my sexual orientation. Just the other day, I wrote:

"I feel like there's an invisible wall between us. My eyes will look, my body sometimes turns on, but consciously I don't feel much at all. I'm not letting myself feel those feelings at all. "

Today, I had another epiphany in this direction. I saw a performer in a song competition, a woman singing a country/pop song. I'd never seen her before, but got an immediate sense that she was gay. My "gaydar" has previously been pretty accurate, and a quick google search confirmed that I was right this time too. But what am I really sensing?

Is this "sense" that a woman might be gay, really my unconscious ATTRACTION to her? Am I externalizing that feeling of attraction, because I'm unable to deal with that feeling inside of me? 

To attack this from a different direction: I recently saw a "thirst trap" on social media.. A shirtless, bearded guy. Traditionally right up my alley, but now I'm not so sure anymore. Similarly, I recently chatted with a bearded geek on a dating app, looking at maybe hooking up with him, and I... Don't know if I want to. 

The guy from the thirst trap is undeniably attractive... But (like I wrote back in my egg crack in October 2021) do I want to fuck them or BE them

And I... Have no idea. None at all. To be clear: I'm not even sure I really like men anymore. Or if I ever did? This makes me question everything. Every man I've ever fallen in love with, every man I've ever been sexually interested in.. Has it all been.. Something else? Not attraction, but an escape from a more dangerous truth? A way to hide from myself, because men didn't feel dangerous to me? 

To be clear: I don't doubt that I've deeply loved several men, including T and Saint. I'm obviously able to fall in love with them. The love was true, and still is. But do I thirst for men? Really? Because if I liked women.. And the idea of lesbians gave my gender dysphoria.. Then I had to be trans. That was the dangerous truth.

A part of me, that part who's listened to way too much anti-trans rhetoric, is questioning if I'm even trans. The terfs claim, after all, that transmasculine people really are just confused, repressed lesbians. As if anyone would think being trans is easier than being gay, in our day and age... And I am trans. I don't truly doubt that, this is just some old gremlins mumbling in the corners.

Writing this fairly short post has taken me over an hour. There's obviously something here, something I'm afraid to touch. It's similar to when I wrote about decommissioned robots back in august 2022. I could follow the trail of my own panic, to unveil things I'd previously hid from myself. I don't think I'll get any further right now, but this topic of my sexual orientation is obviously something I'll keep returning to. 

I'm curious to see where this journey of self-discovery will take me. 

Thursday, January 18, 2024

Defeating Beholders

It feels like Novice and I are in a better place now, compared to a few months ago. I think back at some of our fights / misunderstandings / hurts... They feel smaller now, often less severe, and usually of shorter durations. Not to say that we don't accidentally hurt each other. It still happens much more often than I'd like. And not to say that I don't struggle with my own demons still, because I do.. But we know each other better now. Trust each other better. And know ourselves too. 

We had a couple of really, really tough weeks in the start of October. That's the last big one, and the one we'd had with the longest duration. We called that conflict The Beholder, because it sort of took on a life of its own. And we had to conquer it together, to get anywhere. Looking back, it was a perfect storm leading up to it, it just had to implode; 

I was two weeks post op after top surgery when it began, on October 1st. Still limited in mobility, still sore and tired, I'd just started trying to sleep in a regular bed, but it wasn't going very well. Novice still hadn't looked at or touched my naked chest, which made me feel sad and unloved. 

On her side, she'd been coped up with me for two weeks straight, almost no alone-time at all. Somewhat triggered by my healing wounds, but also hating herself because her triggers hurt me. She also wasn't out as a transwoman to her family yet, which was laying heavy on her mind.. Then she had a weekend of a ton of socializing and learning, which exhausted her.

I'd been stuck on her couch most of the time, I was under-stimulated and over-stimulated all at once. She loaned out her projector (that we use for playing Playstation and watching movies) for the weekend, but once she got it back she didn't put it back up. She was too exhausted (logically). And she wouldn't let me put it back up either. 

For almost two weeks. 

And all of a sudden, her appartement didn't feel safe anymore. She'd taken away the main thing I had to occupy myself with, wasn't able to fix it herself and refused to let me fix it for us. And because it was her appartement and her projector (and her Playstation and her... everything), I was powerless. I just could not wrap my mind around why she would do such a thing, and was incredibly hurt by it. 

I kept trying to give her space, but wasn't able to do so for long periods of time because I was really dysregulated myself. So I kept pushing her to flee, and we never got anywhere. Even after she actually put the projector back up, I was still dysregulated. I didn't dare to start using it again. If the things I use and like, can be taken away at any moment, can I really trust my surroundings at all? Can I ever relax?

After well over two weeks, I finally managed to get a grip, to let it go, to conclude that this is just how it is. What cannot be changed, must be endured. So I started using the projector again, playing Playstation again. It felt scary as fuck, but I did it.  It took 17 days of us both being, in varying degrees, dysregulated and miserable and hurt, before getting to that point.

That act of letting go, managed to help her out of her loop as well. She realized that she hadn't been able to let me put the projector back up, because she has a mental "hang-up" on her audio and video stuff being set up "just right". She needs to do it herself. This realization, in turn, made her actions more understandable and therefore bearable to me. She wasn't purposefully being unkind, it wasn't an attempt to drive me away because she didn't care about me.

Because that's the root of most of it: We're both fundamentally insecure, angst-ridden lumps of self-doubt. We struggle to believe that the other person really loves us. We expect to be abandoned. We can't wrap our minds around someone as much as liking us. When I hurt her, I hate myself for doing so, and she reacts in pretty much the same way. So emotions become scary, because if either of us displays hurt, the other person will hate themself for causing that hurt, making the first person hate themself for causing the second person to hate themself. We both take on absolutely all the blame, in every situation.

There isn't a quick fix to this. We will just have to learn over time, that the other person DOES love us. That their actions and words are NOT intended to hurt. That emotions ARE ok, and that someone else's self-hate and angst ISN'T your fault. And I feel like we're making progress. 

Novice has been struggling with insomnia these past couple of months, and is trying to get a handle on it now because it was getting out of control. That means she's much more tired that usual, and therefore more fragile too. On my side, I'm overwhelmed and somewhat burned out from everything happening last year. So I'm not my most  high-functioning self either...  And it's ok. We occasionally hurt each other or misunderstand each other, but we have more tools now than we did three months ago or a year ago. We grow, we learn. We love. 

And I think we'll be ok. 

Monday, January 15, 2024

Internalized transphobia made me afraid of lesbians

 Why do I have such issues accepting that I find women sexually attractive? 

I'm starting to wonder if it might be internalized transphobia... Because remember, I didn't realize I was trans until I was 35. I'd subconsciously kept that knowledge hidden from myself, ever since I was a child. Knowing that I was trans, was dangerous, my unconscious self had decided that it wasn't safe for me to know.

So anything that could make me doubt my own gender, was subconsciously kept from me. At the same time, anything that would entrench me deeper into the "woman" category could subconsciously trigger dysphoria and cause me pain. So I was super fascinated by lesbians, because of how they broke the gender stereotypes... But at the same time, they felt very "other" to me. I remember going to a women-focused kink event hosted by my good friend B, and feeling completely lost. Because even though I knew, even then, that I could theoretically be attracted to women, they all just felt... Terrifying. Strange. "Other". I had nothing in common with them, like a fish trying to fly. 

As it turns out, that gut feeling was right. Because I wasn't a woman. That part makes so much more sense now. I was, and still am, attracted to women, but hanging out with lesbians must have triggered my dysphoria something fierce. Because I wasn't like them, and deep down I must have known that.

I'm not a man, but I'm definitely "man-adjacent". So my attraction to women is more in a... Straight way? On the other hand, there's very little in typically male sexual norms that I want to embrace. I'm too queer for that, and too much of a feminist. 

This all doesn't really make sense to me. When I look at attractive women in real life, people I don't already have a sexual relationship with, I feel like there's an invisible wall between us. My eyes will look, my body sometimes turns on, but consciously I don't feel much at all. I'm not letting myself feel those feelings at all. There is not even a sense of pushing them away, they weren't permitted to exist in the first place. 

That smells very much of internalized -phobia to me.. Something shameful, hateful, something I SHOULD. NOT. BE. And I don't think it's internalized homophobia, because that doesn't feel dangerous to me. The idea of just being gay, frankly, feels appealing. Like a relief. So that's not it. 

I think it's internalized transphobia. Because girls like boys. And lesbian girls like girls. And if I like girls, but really aggressivly don't feel like a lesbian, then I can't be a girl. And not being a girl... Now that's scary and dangerous. There's some old robots here, doing their thing. I need to find them all, and turn them off. They aren't needed anymore. 

I'm trans. 

I'm really, really not a girl.

And whilst that might feel scary, or dangerous, it doesn't stop being true. 

I'm not a girl. Girls just turn me on. And that's ok. I'm trans, I'm queer, and that's all ok. 

Now, how do I make myself less scared?

What sort of sexual creature am I?

I wrote the other day about how I could have gotten sex, if I'd wanted it. I even registered for a couple of dating apps again. I just.. Don't go through with actually scheduling a hook-up. Why?

It's not just the effort and forced socialization and autistic masking, though that is a significant part of the picture. These last few months have made me pretty burnt out, and I'm seriously down-scaling my social life, to try to regain some spoons. 

No, I think the main issue is that I don't really know who I am anymore, as a sexual creature. I have vulva, a clit, and I enjoy being penetrated... I crave a more passive, receiving role than I've had in most sexual encounters. I want to be touched, want to be desired, want to be fucked... But I really, really don't want to be seen as a woman. And I'm scared, because being seen as a woman hurts.

On the other hand, I don't want to take on just a typical masculine role either. Because that's all I've ever done, looong before I realized I was trans. I've been the hunter, the seducer, the taker, the dominant... 

And I enjoy those things, I really do, especially playing with a strap-on is really affirming... But I don't want ONLY that. And except for with Arthur, I've pretty much done ONLY that. Why? Because I don't have to be vulnerable, when I'm the dom. I don't have to feel my feelings, I can just focus on the other person's needs. So for me, being in a top/dom role is uncomplicated. 

It's masking, in a way, because I can set my self aside and just be what the other person needs me to be. And up until recently, masking felt very easy. Because I hadn't opened that Pandora's box, I hadn't started trying to take those masks off. It's very easy not to feel your feelings, when you're pushing them away all the time. It becomes automatic, you don't even notice that you're doing it.

I want to feel my feelings now. I want to breathe, and experience, and enjoy myself while both giving and receiving. I want to be touched, to be desired. Not as a femdom kink-dispenser, not as a woman, not as a man. I want to be touched and desired just for... Me. Whoever the fuck that is.

I think, I hope, the solution to this is just more queer sex. Queer sex in queer spaces, where gender and gender norms can be set aside for a bit. Where I can just focus on sex, without preconceived notions about who's the knife and who's the fork. 

So I've signed up for a sex party.

The party is female-focused, but is inclusive to everyone who aren't a cis man pretty much. I don't know if it'll be filled with mostly cis gendered lesbians, or if it will feel gender queer enough that I'll actually feel comfortable... If they see me as a man, they might not even welcome me.. But if they see me as a woman, I'll just get dysphoric and really uncomfortable. I also don't even know if I'll handle a sexparty focused on women. I realized intellectually that I was into women over two years ago, but it still feels emotionally... Scary. 

However, there aren't a lot of sex positive, queer events in this city, so... I figured it's worth a shot. 

Sunday, January 14, 2024

I was the golden child

When I grew up, I was the golden child. My parents firstborn, I knew how to read before starting in 1st grade. I played my way through school, learned new material on my first read through, and I was excellent at memorizing. My vocabulary was much bigger than my peers, I was responsible and trustworthy even as a young child. 

My grades, once we started getting grades, were by far the best in my class, and my teachers loved me. They trusted me. liked me, above my peers. I asked intelligent questions and actually listened when they tried to tell us something. My father promised me 50 NOK for every top grade on tests and report cards, which he soon came to regret. I got significant income from that deal during the three years of junior high. 

At 15, I moved abroad for high school. My mother told me straight out that she wouldn't let my younger sister do anything similar, but I was so sensible she knew she could trust that I'd do well on my own. Which I did. In a foreign language, I didn't get top grades anymore, but I was still top 5 in my class (the other 4 were native speakers). In my family, I was also the one to always step up. If "someone" had to go take care of something, I was always that "someone". From fetching wood for the fireplace, to helping my dad with the computer, I was always "someone". 

When I met T, I remember struggling with him being more knowledgeable than me. He was just as intelligent, maybe even more, but in addition he had the advantage of being 7 years my senior and having other "intellectuals" as friends and family. There was no way for me to "catch up" with that. I told him, I'd always had my mind. My intellectual capacity, my knowledge, my "school smarts", were one of the pillars of my identity. And it wasn't good enough to just be "good", I didn't feel accomplished, fulfilled, unless I was among the best. Unless I was perfect, or at least as perfect as possible. 

I've kept struggling with this ever since, and reading up on "Golden Child Syndrome" a lot seems to fit. This isn't a medical diagnosis at all, but it's a collection of personality traits. A quick Google search gives the following: 

"A “golden child” is one who is considered “special” by their family and chosen as a proxy for a parent’s own achievements and magnificence. Unfortunately, the child must live up to perhaps unattainable levels of accomplishment and perfection. Being the golden child does not necessarily represent a positive familial position"


"Below are eight signs of a golden child:
  1. A need to achieve: Golden children recognize that their place in the family is deeply entwined to their ability to meet the expectations that their parent places on them. The golden child may never even think to explore their own ambitions, as they are trained to focus on what their parent expects of them.
  2. People-pleasing behaviors: Because the golden child recognizes that their specialness is tied to their ability to be what their parent wants them to be, they grow up focusing on making others happy.
  3. Filling an adult role too early: Golden children are often parentified, meaning that they are required to step into a pseudo-adult role by their narcissistic parent. Because golden children are perceived as more perfect or special, they are given greater status than their siblings hold. This is not healthy for a child’s development.
  4. Fear of failure: Golden children are treated more favorably than their siblings, but if they fail to meet their parent’s standards, the punishment may be out of proportion to their misstep. This ingrains in them a pervasive fear of letting themselves or others down.
  5. Overwhelming guilt: Typically, if there is a golden child, there is also a child identified as the family scapegoat. Everything that goes well becomes associated with the golden child’s goodness, while everything that goes wrong is blamed on the scapegoat. The golden child recognizes the inequity of this, and feelings of guilt for the treatment of their siblings may be carried into adulthood.
  6. Conflicting loyalties: Driven by the need to please their parent, the golden child may be asked to take a role in disciplining their siblings. This generates inner conflict, as the golden child recognizes that they hold the same family status as their siblings.
  7. Self-criticism: The golden child may feel that they are never “good enough.” If they were habitually compared to the scapegoat, they may fear a fall from grace and being dropped into the role of family scapegoat.
  8. Episodes of “need-panic”: This occurs when the golden child’s own needs suddenly bubble up and they are unable to keep them from spilling over or exploding."
Looking through that list, it really resonates. There's just SO much here, there's probably content for many blog posts.. The only ones that don't really fit are the descriptions for number 5 and 6. I can't remember ever having such a role with my siblings, nor was any of them always the scapegoat.... As far as I can recall, at least. Might be more stuff buried here.

This post is already long enough. I need to continue this at some later point. Might be a part 2 coming later.

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Sexless, and happy

Novice worries that she's "trapped" me in "yet another sexless relationship". And yes, it's true that we don't have sex these days. That might change soon, or it might not, depending on her dysphoria and how much her insomnia is acting up... But it doesn't really bother me that much. 

Do I want sex, generally? Sure! 

But am I "trapped"? No. 

I have a need for frequent orgasms, to keep my libido from destroying all my higher brain functions... But I can easily get them myself. Satisfyer Pro 2 Gen 3 is magical and wonderful, and gets me all the orgasms I want. I still feel somewhat self-conscious about it, when I go to masturbate while Novice is right there in the small apartment with me.... But she says she doesn't mind, and I believe her. So I'll get over my awkwardness eventually. 

I could get sex, if I wanted to. I could contact NN again, or Student. They'd both probably be up for it. Or I could go back to the swingers club that I visited once a couple of months ago. I didn't get fucked by anyone then, but I could if I'd wanted to. Or I could start surfing Grindr again, if I got desperate enough. I'm not, though. 

I say I want sex, but it's not really true. If I wanted just sex, I could get it. And I don't. 

I want her. Her breath, her skin, her moans, her body, her embrace. I want to be connected with her, give her pleasure, give her my love in a million different ways. Since that can't happen right now, I'm content to wait. As long as there is other ways to form that connection, other ways to show that love, I don't need the sex.

We connect, and love, in a million different ways; We connect through cuddling, through our tactile language of taps, through conversation, through teaching and learning, through laughter, through games, through smiles. We see each other, we understand each other. Even when we don't understand ourselves.

We connect, we love, and I'm content. Not just content; Happy. The sex isn't that important. 

I can't promise this will always be the case. Sex could become an itch I need to scratch, much like the orgasms are now. If it does, I'll deal with it then. Probably by going to the swingers club and get fucked senseless once or twice per month. It's my problem to deal with, and I will. 

I love her. Looking back on 2023, it's all filled with her. Novice. My girlfriend. My partner. My love. On December 3rd, we'd been together a full year. I hope we get many, many, many more.