Friday, October 11, 2024

A good bye - for now?

Might gave me scabies just after we started seeing each other. I didn't get any symptoms for weeks, and didn't realize that's what it was until a few weeks more. But we eventually found out what it was and treated it. We took EVERY precaution, even going so far as doing a THIRD treatment round to ensure that we were both well and truly scabies free. I also treated Saint and my kids, and really, really don't want to have to put them through anything like that again if I can do anything to help it. 

Back when Might got it, he notified his family. He also notified them when we did our second treatment round. Because you're supposed to "notify" the people you're in close contact with. However, they didn't actually go through any treatment. Because the advice given by his doctor said to "notify", and apparently people are unable to google or think for themselves or some shit. 

The result is that his nephew now has scabies. He babysits his nephews once every week, so we have to assume that's how they got it. And we now have to consider Might, and by proxy me, as "close contacts" to someone with scabies. Again. We have to assume we have been infected, and treat ourselves and our belongings accordingly. That means ANOTHER two rounds of besylbensoat, as well as sanitizing the house and all our belongings. 

In itself, this isn't impossible to deal with. However, Might's brother and his family are using Permetrin (Nix) to treat the scabies. This is what you're recommended to use, but we KNOW that this scabies has survived Nix once. Because that's what Might used the first time he treated himself, before we even met. We also KNOW that this isn't an isolated incident, the scabies in this region of Norway is KNOWN to be semi-resistant to Nix. 

So I can't trust that they're treating the scabies properly and actually getting rid of it completely. Honestly, the fact that they didn't treat back when Might first got infected is itself a red flag to me. It says that they aren't taking this seriously enough. Them getting infected now, just proves that my degree of paranoia isn't an over-reaction. 

I strongly recommended they use Bensylbensoat, but they were advised by their doctor to use Nix so that's what they'll continue with. My guess is that Nix will probably knock the infection back, kill many of the scabies but not all. And then it'll rear it's ugly head again in a month or more. Of course they could get lucky. Nix could work. But I can't gamble my kids health on luck. 

I can't trust them. Might will not stop seeing his family, obviously. So I have to treat them, and by extension him, as plague bringers. Until they've all (parents and grand parents included) been treated with Bensylbensoat and sanitized their house and belongings properly.. Or until I can be CERTAIN that the scabies is gone.. I can't have physical contact with Might. 

I just can't gamble with my kids health. And that feels like a fucking horrible choice to make. 

So tonight I packed up all my belongings and left Might. We hope to be able to salvage our relationship, keeping in touch through Discord and having video chats and such. But this could mean we won't have intimate physical contact until next year. That's 2,5months. As long as we've been together. I'm not sure our relationship can survive that long apart. 

Leaving him today felt like a good buy. I'm just not certain if it's the permanent or temporary kind. 

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