Saturday, October 5, 2024

How to prove to me that I'm not in control?

I recently had cuffs locked on me, and it obviously triggered something. I think this is an example of what I need, to be able to embrace a more submissive mind state: I need it pounded into me that I am not in control. I cannot escape, cannot stop what's happening, I just have to accept it. Take it. There are several ways to get that point accross, I think. Might and I are exploring some of them: 

1. Bondage, whether tight ropes around the torso or locked cuffs restricting movement and agency, is a very obvious one. 

2. To be made to suck on something, whether a dick or a finger, without being able to pull out.

Might did that to me today, slowly pulling on my collar to make me take his finger further and further down my throat. It was amazing. All my focus was on breathing, accepting it, and not to gag. 

3. To be tied down and fucked, or fingered, or overstimulated, or in some other way used. To make it seem like there's no care made for my horniness or desires or preferences. Just used, the way he wants to use me, for his pleasure. We did something like this when I was attached to "the rig" the first time, plowing my body into the mattress as he fucked me from behind. 

However, it doesn't work super well. Might is on anti-depressants that make him less sensitive and makes it super hard for him to orgasm. So fucking me isn't really something he does for his own sake, and we both know that. 

Really wish it wasn't so. I would love to have him fuck my brains out, cum inside of me, and then just let me stand there, dripping and horny as hell. Unable to move or satisfy myself. A mindless sextoy.

4. Another method would be pain. Impact play, or a ton of pinching or similar. However, I don't think Might is ready for that quite yet. We're just starting to make him accustomed to give commands, in stead of making requests. He doesn't have the self-confidence or the experience yet.

For me to be willing to take a large amount of pain, I would need to be made to take it. I honestly want to be made to take it, but if I'm "in my right mind" why on earth would I want to hurt? Whether by physical manhandling or verbal commands, I would have to be commanded or forced to take the pain. Forcefully told to stand still and painfully punished if I don't, or simply grabbed and held hard where he wants me. Regardless of my struggles, moans, cries or curses. If I think he will stop, if I simply tell him "no" or scream out in pain, then it won't work. I need to be made to take it.

I want us to get there, though. To be beaten until I break, start crying, and then beaten a fair bit more.. That's something I really want. There's a release in crying like that. A yielding. I want to be made to yield. To be forced to yield. 

Out of all of the ways mentioned here, there is no way more efficient than pain, but I can't get there on my own. Can't get there by topping from the bottom, like I do a lot these days. I need his help, his hand, his voice, his mind, his control, his authority. And he isn't ready for that quite yet. I'm not absolutely sure I am either. He's developping quickly, though. Learning and growing every week. And so am I. So I hope we'll get there.

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