Monday, August 12, 2024

Practical sex ed

When I met Might, he'd never seen a vulva up close, not even seen much from porn. Never touched one either, obviously. He'd also never had vaginal sex. I'm not sure if he'd ever passionately kissed anyone either. 

I've now been in his bed three times, and his learning curve has been dramatic. We've had vaginal sex and tried several different positions (me riding, doggy standing, doggy kneeling on the bed, me flat on my stomach, and most recently today: Him on top and my legs over his shoulders). 

With no prior experience with what Saint once dubbed "people stacking", he's a bit awkward when trying to figure out how to place and move his body. He has no intuitive understand of how our parts fit together yet, even when we're just wrapped around each other cuddling. However, once he's managed to nail a position once, it seems to click into place. After that, he's able to replicate it with much more ease. He's not perfect, obviously, we've only had three goes at this. However, given his dramatic improvement, I'm very optimistic for the future.  

He's also touched my pussy a lot, both sitting between my legs and lying parallel to me. He's getting REALLY good at touching on/around my clit in such a way as to make me insanely turned on, and is excellent at taking directions. Today he kept touching me while I used to metal dildo to make myself squirt, only replacing his hands with a vibrator when I wanted to reach orgasm.

His dick is GORGEOUS. A very defined, large head, and a more narrow shaft. Everything on his body is long, including the dick, but so far the length hasn't been an actual problem. I need lube to avoid rupturing, though, but that seems to be the case these days. Same often happened with Novice, after all. Sucking his dick is very, very nice. He doesn't seem to have that much experience with that either, and I'm enjoying showing him new ways that his body can give him pleasure. 

I haven't been able to make him come yet, though apparently he's been pretty close. He struggles to come, and from what I can gather his orgasms are "muted". Sometimes completely dry, always more a release of tension than something intensely pleasurable. My guess is that this is caused by his anti-depressants, but he's been on them for years and can't really remember how things used to be. It's a mute point, anyway.. I'd rather have him alive than unmedicated. 

There's still a lot of things I'm looking forward to teaching him or showing him or exploring with him. Just on the "vanilla" side of things there's for example: Teaching him to finger me, and to eat me out. Try 69, and make a distraction game out of it. How to suck- and jerk off my Joystick, and possibly the strapless strap-on. I also want to finger him, show him what his prostate can do. Perhaps even make him wide enough to take a dildo, enabling me to fuck him. I'd like to fuck him, and make him enjoy himself. 

He's also amended his previous status as an asexual. He's calling himself demisexual now. Guess I have that effect on people.. Haha.

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