Sunday, July 7, 2024

Good luck forgetting me

For someone who claim to not care about music, I have very emotional connections to songs. Specific songs remind me of specific people, or places, or time periods in my life. Lyrics are especially important to me. All the songs on my main Spotify list are Connected to someone/something/someplace/sometime in this way. Like a spiritual bond.

For example, I listened to the song "Smilet i ditt eget speil" a lot, right after egg crack. The lyrics fit, and it's become a quintessential "egg crack song" for me. Same with the song "Rosa sky", which I listened to on repeat the spring I started testosterone. I was just so happy that spring, and I was coming out of a depression, so again: The lyrics fit. It also reminds me of Cord, which I dated that spring, as I used to listen to that song while driving out to see him. 

However, songs don't just attach themselves to happy memories. The final day I was in Elle's apartment, in Elle's bed, the song "Ett minutt" suddenly stuck in my brain like glue. One part of the lyrics go: "This final time, we lie here together in your sheets. But let me not have to face that fact right now. So before I go, can you just hold me for one minute?" And that was literally the last time we were in those sheets together. A day or two later, we broke up. Seems almost like my mind knew that before I did.

The other day, I wrote about how I haven't been able to feel any connection to any typical break-up song this time. I was just numb, and the lyrics just didn't fit. Today, I found it. 

It's called "Lykke te", and it's by the same artist who'd done "Ett minutt". The title means "Good luck", which could be sarcastic, but it really isn't. It's genuinely about a break-up where she wishes well for her ex-partner: She talks about hurting, and dreaming about all they would be and do in the future... But at the same time, she understands why it had to end and wishes the ex good luck in life. She dreams about how they might find back together, but at the same time she's trying to get over the relationship and move on.

One part of the chorus goes: "Good luck with all you're doing. Say hello to your friends from me. Good luck forgetting me." And read genuinely, not sarcastically, that fits. 

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