Monday, September 30, 2024

Paradise interrupted

Arriving at the party last night around 8pm, my immediate impression was that the music was way too loud. It should have been turned down by 50% at least, preferably to 25% of its current volume. 

A DJ at a bdsm party is typically a red flag, in my opinion. It's great to have some background music at a party, but there's nothing a DJ can do that a somewhat curated Spotify playlist can't do just as well (or better. And certainly cheaper). A bdsm party isn't primarily a place for dacing, we're not the clubbing scene. To play, you need to be able to communicate. Preferably also to be able to pick up small sounds like increased breathing and light moans. Such play just isn't compatible with loud music. Even socializing last night was hard, as we had to stand really close and shout to be heard.

After most people had arrived, the rules and some other information was presented by the organizers. Then they'd scheduled a show. It was supposed to start immediately after the intro, but I think it took another 30 minutes. So by then, the clock had passed 9pm. I think it was closer to 9.30pm. 

The show was a non-kink related drag show, and had ridiculous volume. Way, waaay higher than what we'd previously been exposed to (which had already been too high).. Along with bright, flashing lights, it got too much for me. Even with earplugs and eyes closed, at the very back of the room, I still felt completely overwhelmed. So Might and I made our escape outside and hid in the wardrobe tent.

Going back inside once the show was over, the volume had been somewhat turned down compared to at the beginning. Still too loud, but just bearable. So Might and I start to play, like I outlined in my previous post. At the end, we were in a dark corner, immediately next to the stage, underneath one of the speakers; The only place we found room. Another couple played just a few feet to the left of us, along the stage edge. Someone else were doing shibari, just behind us to the right. 

Then, as we're in the middle of a really intense, amazing session, and I'm literally two minutes from orgasm, the show starts up again. Completely unannounced, out of the blue, we're blasted by unbearable loud music and flashing lights.

Might first tries to cover my ears and I try to keep going, but there was absolutely no way I could keep any sort of focus through that. I stopped him and said I had to get out. He unhooked my feet from the spreader bar in record speed, I grab a jacket and my kilt, and remove the vibrator from my crotch. Leaving everything else, we beeline out of there. Again. 

Interrupting a session in the middle like that is incredibly uncomfortable. You're forcefully removed from one mind space and dumped into a different one, without any warning or agency. It's mentally really unpleasant, and can worse case be dangerous. 

My immediate response to the situation was anger, furious anger. Why the FUCK did they do that to us? Who on earth thought that would be a good idea, unannounced, without any pre-planned schedule, once a lot of people were engaged in play? I was raging, really high on adrenaline, overstimulated out of my mind, and incredibly, incredibly disappointed. Sad, so, so, so sad, to have had such an incredible session brutally interrupted. I knew I'd drop from this, and I did, almost immediately.

About half an hour crouched under blankets in front of a space heater, ranting a fair amount, crying a bit, a bit of water and a snack, and I was able to fuction. Might took excellent care of me, giving me exactly what I asked for and needed. I was so grateful to have him there, able to take care of me. Going through drop when alone really sucks. 

A guy loosely associated with the organizers checked, and assured us that this show was the last.. By then, the clock was 11pm and the party would finish at 1am. So we could theoretically have had two hours of (hopefully) uninterrupted play time left. 

However the night felt completely ruined and I was mentally exhausted. All my nerves were on the outside of my body, and I was suffering these enormous, unpredictable mood swings; One moment feeling absolutely livid and the next being heartbroken. (Typical of drop, but a drop as bad as I've probably ever had.)

So we gathered our things, said our goodbyes and called a taxi. Once back at Might's space, we ate some chocolate, I drank a cup of tea (like I often do when dropping), and then we went to bed. Exhausted, but with a lot of pent up energy, we each masturbated (separately), and then promptly fell asleep.

Over 24 hours later, I still feel abnormally tired and a bit jittery. However, the worst has definitely passed. I now worry for Might. He has been preoccupied with taking care of me, and hasn't let himself relax or collapse yet. I hope he's also able to process this all in a good way.

This experience fucking sucked, but it wasn't our fault. There's absolutely no way we could have predicted or prevented it from happening. In the end, I want the focus to be on the positive stuff as much as I can. Our play was amazing, Might and I are exploring some extremely interesting stuff togeter, and I hope we get to do a lot more play in the future. 

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